by Amrit Kamboj | Feb 4, 2025 | Pet Safety
February is here, and love is in the air! But while you’re showering your loved ones with chocolate, flowers and cards, don’t forget the furry members of your family. This month is National Pet Dental Health Month and a perfect time to prioritize your...
by vet1 | Dec 14, 2023 | Pet Safety
The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also bring unexpected challenges for pet owners. As a veterinary team, we’ve seen our fair share of holiday-related pet emergencies, from tinsel ingestion to Christmas tree accidents. But with a...
by vet1 | Jul 17, 2021 | GOLPP
What is GOLPP?Geriatric Onset: elderly age of onset signs of the condition. Laryngeal Paralysis: degeneration of nerves that control the muscles that move the laryngeal cartilages, located in the throat. These cartilages control airflow into and out of the...
by vet1 | Jul 17, 2021 | TPLO
Greg Harasen, DVMDate Published: 02/18/2014 If your dog has been diagnosed with a torn cranial cruciate ligament, you will probably be considering surgical treatment options that may include a tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO). The procedure is tough enough to...
by vet1 | Jul 17, 2021 | Canine Pregnancy
By Anna BurkeMay 03, 2021 Puppies are exciting. If you are new to breeding, or you are eagerly awaiting the birth of a reserved puppy from a breeder’s litter, the wait can seem eternal. Luckily for us (and for the dog), the gestation period...
by vet1 | Jul 17, 2021 | Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats
Idiopathic Cystitis in CatsWendy Brooks, DVM, DABVPDate Published: 01/01/2001Date Reviewed/Revised: 12/12/2020 Additional Resources Lower Urinary Tract Disease in CatsUrinary Blockage in CatsInappropriate Elimination (House-Soiling) in Cats (Also known as Pandora...
by vet1 | Jul 11, 2021 | Pet Safety
Puppy Puzzles save lives One of the biggest complaints about puppies is their high activity, chewing, mouthing, and attention-seeking behaviors. In addition, puppies can be very pesky by grabbing the remote or and anything and chewing it up. These are normal...
by vet1 | Sep 13, 2019 | Weight Management
Just like in humans, we can prevent many common diseases by keeping our pets in good shape. One of the ways our doctors help you keep your pet healthy is by evaluating their muscle and fat using a ranking called the Body Condition Score (BCS). Our doctors...